
Maternity Home Vadodara

Infertility Treatment Vadodara


Women Hospital

Women throughout Vadodara and Gujarat who are afflicted with a variety of gynecology and pelvic disorders suffer needlessly for years, fearing there isn’t much that can be done for their specific condition. Even worse, quite frequently, they don’t even know definitely what condition they’re suffering. For this reason, it is essential to get a proper diagnosis from a leader in the field of gynecologic and pelvic surgery.

Keep in mind that many gynecologic conditions have similar symptoms, yet require different treatments, therapies or surgical procedures to solve. It is also wise to enter the process of seeking a solution for your particular gynecologic or pelvic disorder with an open mind. Gynecologic surgery is not always the course of action. There are many therapeutic and non-invasive techniques available to treat complex gynecologic disorders. However, if surgery is the best course of action, Dr. Ami Patel always uses the least invasive approach possible, such as the Robotic MacroVasive Technique and LessVasive Surgery, as well as procedures using the Surgical System.

  • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
  • Chronic Pelvic Pain or Pelvic Pain
  • Endometriosis and Advanced Stages of Endometriosis
  • Infertility
  • Interstitial Cystitus or Painful Bladder Syndrome
  • Menopause
  • Pelvic Adhesions or Pelvic Adhesive Disease
  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse or Dropped Bladder
  • Urinary Incontinence or Bladder Control Issues
  • Uterine Fibroids and Uterine Tumors

To learn more about the conditions Surgical Specialists for Women treats, as well as the comprehensive well woman services provided, contact us or visit us at our Clinic in Vadodara.


Ami Hospital women’s health obstetrics and gynaecology

Ami Hospital –Women’s Health OB-GYN program provides obstetrics and gynaecology care for all stages of a woman’s life. Our OB-GYN specialties include high-risk pregnancies, the reproductive system, and treatment of gynaecologic cancer, infertility and fibroids.


Request an appointment online or Call: 0265 – 699 – 9007


Pre-register for your maternity hospital stay Log in Website:

Midwife Care in hospital

Together with your midwife, you will make informed decisions about where to give birth. Regardless of where you choose to give birth, you will receive excellent, safe care from your midwife.

About one-quarter of women in midwifery care chooses a home birth, while the other three-quarters plan a hospital birth. All midwives in Vadodara can attend births with their clients in hospitals, and you will go to one of the hospitals where your midwife holds privileges.

Your midwife works collaboratively with obstetricians, nurses, family physicians, pediatricians, anesthetists and lactation consultants, both in the hospital setting and in the community. Your midwife is an independent practitioner who, just like a doctor, can admit and discharge you from hospital and provide primary care.

Clients in midwifery care have lower rates of interventions such as c-section, episiotomy, forceps or vacuum delivery. Midwifery clients also typically have a shorter hospital stay. Healthy women and babies are then discharged to receive follow-up care at home from midwives.

After your midwife discharges you from hospital, she will continue to provide six weeks of postpartum care in your home and in the midwifery clinic, including breastfeeding support and close monitoring of you and your baby. More information is available on the Ami Hospital Website.

Health research shows that the best outcomes occur for women when midwives remain as primary caregivers (see policy statement for research sources). Midwives have the skills to manage care inside the hospital but sometimes hospitals make policies that require women to transfer to the care of a doctor under certain circumstances such as use of an epidural, induction of labour or management of vaginal birth after a caesarean (VBAC).

Midwives are often asked why they do not start a clinic in a particular community or hire additional midwives to give care to women on their waiting lists. Sometimes the answer is that it is not possible to get privileges at the local hospital. Midwives need to gain privileges at a hospital before they can take clients there. Sometimes this is a smooth process, and sometimes it is complex.

When accessing privileges are delayed, sometimes for months or even years, the practice cannot get established or grow to meet community demand. Just over one-third of midwifery practices experience difficulties expanding because of problems with hospital privileges, according to the Ministry of Health survey. This means that some women cannot access midwifery care and/or have to leave their communities to give birth.

Ami Hospitals Vadodara supports the integration of midwives into the provinces’ hospitals, recognizing the high-quality care that midwives provide to women and newborns.



Ami Hospital -The baby friendly icon Childbirth Centre

Childbirth is a wonderful experience and we feel privileged to share this with you. We are here to provide you with care and support that considers you and your family’s unique needs. We encourage expectant parents to participate in their care by making informed choices within the limits of safety.

At times, stressful situations can occur during pregnancy and the birth. Your care team will provide the support you need. Your team will include physicians, midwives, nurses, dietitians, physiotherapists, lactation consultants and a clinical nurse specialist.

We hope that this information is helpful and that your stay is as comfortable as possible. Should you have any questions, we invite you to email us. This link will open up an email that you can populate to send to our childbirth centre at

New Mother in Hospital with Newborn Infant Postpartum CareCesarean Birth

A Cesarean birth is a major surgery and the recovery period is longer than it is after a vaginal birth. Special care and attention is needed during recuperation after a C-section and it is especially important to keep an eye on the incision as it heals. If any of the following symptoms should occur, call our office:

Red, hard, tender or hot area around your incision

Separation and/or bleeding of incision

Moderate or large amount of oozing or drainage

Fever higher than 100º F

However, if there are no concerns with healing after a Cesarean section, a heating pad can help with localized pain. You should wait two weeks to drive after a cesarean section and lifting should be limited to 15 to 20 pounds for the first six weeks.

Nursing and Breast Care

Initial attempts at nursing can be painful, but tenderness and discomfort should decrease once let-down has occurred and should cease altogether within a few days. However, if you have sore, cracked, or bleeding nipples, express a few drops of breast milk on the nipples after nursing and allow to air dry. To prevent future irritation, always keep your nipples clean, change the nursing pads when they become moist and avoid wearing pads with plastic liners.

For a more comfortable breastfeeding experience, experiment with different nursing positions to see what works best for you and your baby. For example, try holding your baby so that he is lying on his side with his head resting in the bend of your arm and make sure that his mouth covers one inch or more of your nipple and areola when sucking. For additional comfort, use pillows to help support your arm and baby.

If you are not nursing, wear a good support bra at all times while your breasts are engorged.  You may use ice packs under the armpits and to the side of each breast during the first couple of days of engorgement and take  ibuprofen for discomfort. Do not be surprised if you have a slight elevation in temperature for a day or two while your breasts are engorged, and you should expect milk to lbe eaking from the breasts during this period. Read our article about breastfeeding for more information.


You may start mild exercise after two weeks rest and recovery after giving birth, but more strenuous exercise should be delayed for four to six weeks. Begin with easier exercises and increase them gradually if you are comfortable and it does not cause pain. If you had a Cesarean, do not begin an exercise program for at least six weeks after delivery and with your physician’s permission.

Postpartum Diet

It is important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet while pregnant and you should continue prioritizing your personal nutrition after your baby is born.  Eat a wide variety of foods, emphasizing fruits, vegetables, lean meat, and healthy proteins. Limit processed foods and empty calories from high starch and sugary foods as much as possible.

Do not rush into dieting in an effort to lose your pregnancy weight, but if you are concerned about reducing, cut down on high fat and high sugar foods and alcohol, but do not over-restrict breads and cereals or fruits and vegetables. If you are nursing, you will need to consume a few hundred additional healthy calories a day, and you should continue taking prenatal vitamins.

Sexual Intercourse and Contraception

Sexual intercourse is appropriate when it is comfortable for you, usually six weeks after giving birth, but is preferable to wait until your vaginal discharge is clear. Vaginal tenderness may be eased by using a water soluble cream, or a contraceptive foam or cream to lubricate the area, but do not use.

Before intercourse is resumed, you and your partner should consider your contraceptive options. Condoms, foam or vaginal suppositories may be used without a prescription and are compatible with breastfeeding. Be sure to discuss other forms of birth control with your doctor at your postpartum checkup.

Causes for Concern

After leaving the hospital, call our office if you have any of the following:

Heavy vaginal bleeding, soaking a pad every hour for three hours

Severe chills or fever over 100.4º F

Frequency or burning with urination (emptying your bladder)

A red, hard, tender area on the breast

A red, hard, tender or hot area along the leg veins

Shortness of breath and/or chest pain

Any other unexplained signs or symptoms

Postpartum Medical Checkups

Your healthcare provider at Vadodara City Ob & Gyn will need to see you for your postpartum checkup, usually five to six weeks after you give birth. This appointment provides an opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you have, including contraception, physical recovery, and your emotional well-being. Call our office to schedule a doctor’s visit before leaving the hospital or soon after going home.

Postpartum Emotional Care

Having a baby is a special time in your life, full of anticipation and joy, but it can also be a time of great stress and anxiety as you adjust to life with a child. In the weeks and months after giving birth, try to be especially attentive to your own emotional feelings and those of your partner. It is perfectly normal to experience complicated and even difficult emotions after you have a child, but be mindful if those feelings become extreme.

Postpartum Depression

After having a baby, some women may experience overwhelming feelings of frustration, inadequacy, fatigue, and worry. These are normal emotions related to becoming a new parent and these feelings may also be further compounded by ordinary life stresses, such as finances, feelings of isolation, and being overwhelmed by other work or home responsibilities. If you are experiencing difficult emotions try to be patient with yourself – take time to adjust to your new life.

If depression persists or increases and you are experiencing thoughts and feelings that go beyond the normal anxieties of being a new parent, or if you think your feelings are impairing your ability to care for yourself and your family, call us immediately and we will refer you to Vadodara City area support groups or counselors that specialize in postpartum depression.

Postpartum Care for Partners

Parenthood is just as life-changing for new fathers as it is new mothers and men can experience conflicting feelings of elation, overwhelming responsibility, depression, pride, and even jealousy in response to becoming a dad. Allow yourself to process the complex experience of parenthood and support your partner through her adjustment, too. Learn along with your partner how to care for your newborn by helping with feeding, dressing, bathing, and diaper duties, and take the time to get used to your new baby. Enjoy the new addition to your family and try not to let the new responsibilities get in your way of sharing this special time with your family.

If you have any questions about postpartum care plans after you give birth to your new baby, please contact Ami Hospital Vadodara today

Call at  0265 – 699 – 9007 OR Mail us :

Do I Need Prenatal Multivitamins?

Pregnant woman relaxing at home:

In addition to a healthy diet, if you are planning to have a baby, you should take one prenatal multivitamin supplement daily that contains Folic Acid and Iron. Make sure your supplement contains no more than 10,000 IU of Vitamin A. Too much Vitamin A can cause birth defects.

A prenatal multivitamin supports the body with Folic Acid and supports fertility with Zinc. In women, Zinc supports hormonal regulation and metabolic signals that influence the reproductive system, which contributes to normal fertility.

When you are pregnant, you can meet most of your nutritional needs by eating according to Food Guide. However, your diet alone cannot give you high enough levels of some nutrients. Two nutrients you will need to supplement are Folic Acid and Iron. Your daily prenatal multivitamin needs to have at least 0.4 milligrams (mg) of Folic Acid and 16-20 mg of Iron. A health care provider can help you choose the prenatal multivitamin that is right for you.

How long should I take my prenatal multivitamin?

Start taking the prenatal multivitamin three months before conception, and continue throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period (4-6 weeks and as long as breastfeeding continues). You should not take more than one daily dose of vitamin supplement, as indicated on the product label.

Can’t I just take a Folic Acid supplement?

Mothers to-be and their growing babies need more than just Folic Acid. In addition to helping prevent neural tube defects, when taken daily prior to becoming pregnant and during early pregnancy, a complete prenatal multivitamin can also help prevent Iron deficiency anemia. A prenatal multivitamin taken before, during and after pregnancy while breastfeeding can help cover all the bases.

Ami Hospital Vadodara

Confidential General and Gynaecology care with special attention to Adolescents & Young adults

Ami Hospital Vadodara(Gujarat)



Ami Hospital: Health Care Designed Exclusively for Women in Vadodara City

Compassionate care and specialized women’s health services are at the core of everything we do at Women’s Hospital in Vadodara City. From routine well-woman visits, to pregnancy and childbirth, gynaecological surgery or menopausal care, we focus on the health and well-being of every woman. Choose a women’s health team that you can confidently entrust your health to. Choose Ami Hospital in Vadodara City.

How to get started with ICSI/IVF at Ami Hospital-Infertility Treatment Centre Vadodara

Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant after one year of trying, or six months if a woman is 35 years of age or older.

Step One: Choose a Fertility Specialist

Our centre can refer you to the top Infertility  Treatment specialists in Vadodara. We also provide a free consultation with our embryologist to assist you in choosing your specialists

As soon as you have chosen your Fertility Specialist, phone their clinics to make an appointment.

Step Two: Meeting your Fertility Specialist

During your first meeting, the Infertility  Treatment Specialist may ask you about your fertility history and carry out a physical examination. You may need to bring the previous examinations and test results as this will be significant in the treatment process.

For Women, an ultrasound, to check the reproductive structure, and blood tests, to check if you are ovulating

For Men, sperm analysis to assess the quality and viability of the sperm sample.

Fertility Screening Infections may be optional.

Step Three: Deciding

Once the fertility specialists has recommended a treatment plan and options, the couple will have to decide if they are emotionally and financially ready to undergo the procedure.

A visit to the laboratory can help you feel the environment and meet the staff that will assist you during the actual procedure.

For men

The male partner is requested to collect a Fresh sample on the oocyte retrieval day.

In an event that the husband is not capable to produce a fresh sample, the semen sample that was frozen as back-up will be used for the ICSI/IVF process

For Male partners with zero sperm count, a surgically retrieved sperm is used. TESE, TESA, MESA, PESA. This procedure should take place prior to stimulation day.

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